Your School’s Marketing and Admissions Needs 101

Apart from having excellent academic offerings, a school's success highly depends on its ability to effectively communicate its values, create a strong online presence, and establish trust with prospective students and parents. One question we are asked over and over again by our school partners is - how do we actually achieve this?

To answer this question, over the next few weeks we're going to publish a series of bitesize blogs that identify some of the key points for effective marketing and communications in schools, and how to put these together to develop a high performing marketing and admissions strategy. To kick us off, here are a few pointers on how to gain trust through effective communication.

Key 1 - Gaining Trust Through Effective Communication

Trust is an important part of the decision making process for both parents and students. To gain trust, and build good relationships with them, you need to show them the real atmosphere of the school and how your school is a safe, nurturing and enriching place for them. When it comes to building trust, effective communication is one of the most significant points. 

Here are some of the ways that can give you ideas in gaining trust of parents and students:

  • To use this channel effectively, you can use video updates to keep parents and students informed about important events, educational initiatives, and achievements. Eventually, this approach will prove your school's commitment to open dialogue and collaboration.

  • Another thing you can do to gain trust is to put your teachers and staff in the spotlight by sharing their qualifications, unique teaching methods and interactions with students which will also build confidence in the quality of your education. While doing that, you can establish some consistent communication channels such as newsletters, emails, and dedicated online platforms for these updates and announcements.

  • You can arrange events where students can display their projects, artwork, and achievements to parents, showcasing their growth and talents, and you can create a lot of social media content out of these events.

  • Recognise and celebrate academic, athletic, and extracurricular achievements of students, showcasing their successes and contributions to the school community.

  • Share testimonials and success stories from current students and alumni to showcase the positive impact of your school on students' lives.

  • Make sure to provide easily accessible and comprehensive information about the admission process, including criteria, deadlines, required documents, and any associated fees.

In conclusion, building trust with parents, students, and prospective families is the cornerstone of successful marketing and admissions efforts for any school. We hope the tips and strategies will be valuable for you, and we'll continue to share more insights, tips, and tricks to enhance your marketing and admissions strategies. If you have any questions, or would like to talk to our marketing experts, please book a quick call here!


Your School’s Marketing and Admissions Needs 101 | User-Generated Content for School Promotion


Using Videography for Staff Recruitment